I know, I know...wait until 6 months to start solid foods but have you looked at my kids??? They are big babies! And I am convinced they are still hungrier than just bottles. Owen was reaching for a rib at 2 months old. So, I surveyed all my mom friends and asked them what they introduced and when. The consensus was veggies first then fruits because if they get a "taste" for the sweet then they won't want to eat vegetables. So, we started with green beans and they were a HIT! You are also supposed to do the same food for 3-4 days to make sure no allergy pops up before you start a new food. They were hysterical with the spoons and the high chair and the whole experience! Owen, my little eater, has already mastered the swallow part, McKenna still pushes every other bite or so out of the front of her mouth but she sure enjoyed sitting there and "chatting" and blowing bubbles with us!
The SUPER clean "Before" picture!!!
The AFTER!!!
(I think they did pretty awesome personally!)
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