Unfortunately, when the kids turned 4 months old they were both fighting ear infections and tummy issues and our amazing pediatrician doesn't like to do shots when they are on antibiotics. So, we had to reschedule their appointment for a few weeks later. They were actually only 1 week shy of turning 5 months when we finally got in. Dad meets us at all our appointments so he can be my extra pair of hands/console all of us through the shots. Yes, the babies AND me...it is AWFUL to hear them cry like that so my daddy to the rescue!
Dr. Waw was extremely impressed with them developmentally. She said sometimes with multiples that they lag behind in some areas...well not my babies! Right where they are supposed to be! They got 4 shots and handled them like a champ (after screaming bloody murder while they were administered). Here are their stats...
Weight: 17 1/2 pounds and 14 ounces
Height: 26 1/2 inches
Weight: 14 pounds 4 ounces
Height: 24 1/2 inches
They are drooling like CRAZY and she says their gums are swollen too. McKenna is rolling both ways and is becoming so much more vocal these days. Owen is rolling from tummy to back but he can't quite figure out how to do back to belly all the time. He does it every now and then. They both love to eat their cereal and we have started baby purees also. McKenna is less than enthused most days but Owen CHOWS DOWN...who is surprised? We are working on being patient while mommy has to share the spoon with sister. They love to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and they are really not doing to badly sleeping. We are up to taking an 8 ounce bottle in the evening before bed and 3, 8oz bottles during the day. Growing like weeds!
My loves!
My girl!! I would have taken a picture of Owen but he was busy playing with the paper on the table!
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