Sunday, July 26, 2015

Happy 4 Months, Babies!

     I cannot BELIEVE it has been 4 months, 121 days since you joined our family!  You are the light of our lives and you are beginning to respond and enjoy us as parents and not just "those two who change our diapers and feed us"...although I am sure you still think that sometimes.  You smile, you laugh sometimes, you hold onto our fingers while we feed you, and you kick your legs and wave your arms in the bathtub.  You play in your exersaucers and you have figured out you can turn around in them.  You kick those little legs, talk to your toys, and stare intently at the parts that make music. You are beginning to take interest in each other, although McKenna is really more interested in you than you are in her, Bub!  You both lay on your activity mat and blanket with all your toys and just talk up a storm.  We are going 4 hours between feedings so it seems like we are finally getting time with you verses just having to feed, burp, change, entertain, then do it all over again. 
    Owen, you are our serious, thinker.  A lot of times you are just laying on your mat in deep thought just gurgling to yourself.  You are also our snugglebug...when you wake up in the morning the first thing I do with you is just sit and hold you because you aren't quite ready to start the day yet. So you just lean on my chest and sit quietly until your appetite alarm goes off or there is a toy you need to play with.  It is my favorite time with you!   
    McKenna, you are our smiley, jolly, on-the-go baby girl.  When you see something that you like you smile so big that you turn your head to the side and bat those eyelashes and giggle!  It is the CUTEST thing ever.  You are getting harder and harder to hold onto because you are CONSTANTLY in motion.  This includes feedings, diaper changes, playing on your mat, and in your high chair.  
   You both save your best smiles for your daddy and when he comes in the door at night anything I was trying to get you to do is put on hold while you smile and laugh at him.  I think this is his favorite part of the day!  He also holds you both while I prepare your bottles before your last feeding.  His baby girl in one arm and his boy in the other...I could take a picture of it every night because its one of my favorite parts of the day. 
   Thank you for all the love and laughter you have brought into our world.  And forgive us...we are not always the most patient of parents but know that we love you more than life itself.  You are our greatest blessings!

My favorite "month" picture so far!!!






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