Monday, December 1, 2014

Hospital Visit #2

    After Saturday's events and leaving the hospital knowing we had two heartbeats and no contractions you would think I would have my mind at ease....WRONG.  So to wake up this morning and have pain ALL OVER MY BODY only exacerbated my freaking out.  When I got to work I called the doctor and spoke to my wonderful nurse and told her about my achiness and she confirmed it was probably just routine feelings from falling and for me to take Tylenol (worthless) and try hot soaks and Ben Gay etc.  Well, as the day wore on the pain got worse and worse specifically in my right side and it was SHOOTING.  Every time it would happen I felt like I was going to hurl and I had little appetite. I was trying to work with my groups of kids but longer than 10 minutes in a chair left me in excruciating pain...soooo, I called the doctor back!  When I told her the situation and mentioned the shooting pain she said I needed to go back to labor and delivery.  I went and told my boss (through tears) who was wonderful and told me of course to go and that she was SURE everything was going to be fine. I called and let Mason know but he was working so I just headed there on my own...
   Funny thing about hospitals, you would think if you are a repeat customer, especially within 48 hours, that the re-admitting process would be a breeze.  WRONG.  I had to fill out all the paperwork again and new hospital bracelets and new consent forms and blah blah blah.  So, I am finally checked in and the nurse comes for me and she looks at me and back at her clipboard and back at me and says, "20 weeks?" with this look of bewilderment on her face.  And I said. "yes, with twins" and she breathed a sigh of relief almost and said, "ok, I thought you looked way too big for 20 weeks with a single"...thanks Lady.  Now I am having a panic attack about my babies AND the fact that I am the size of a whale...thanks for that.  Anyway, she took me back to the SAME triage room, gave me the SAME spiel about getting in the gown etc. and I did it all except this time they weighed me.  But they are smart in L&D triage...they weigh you in grams or something so whatever it was I only weighed 94 something so I will take that. I climbed back into bed and here came my nurse, Abby.  She got out the familiar doplar and went to work looking for heartbeats.  It took a little longer to find them this time and I was freaking out of course but, eventually, there they were.  130's and 150's respectively. She took a lot of information from me, asked me to point to the pain, and hooked me back up to the contraction monitor...which there were none, thank God. 

 She got on the phone and called the doctor who immediately asked for a urine sample which didn't surprise me because when I told her where the "flank pain" was she said "sounds kidney to me".  So, Abby comes back and gives me instructions on how to give a STERILE urine sample and throws in, nonchalantly, that if it isn't sterile enough she will have to put a CATHETER in me.... PASS.  So I followed my instructions to the T and when the doctor did finally come to see me she said, "you had the clearest, cleanest urine of any pregnant woman I have ever seen"...that's right lady, teach you to threaten me with a catheter again. So, no kidney issues, no UTI, and after she sat and talked to me and pushed on my back etc. she decided to treat it as "musculoskeletal" and a basic pregnancy pain that I made worse by falling.  She said if I had fallen the opposite way I may actually have done a better job of keeping myself from pain...of course I WOULD fall the wrong way.  The nurse brought me a gram of Tylenol, I know what you are thinking...a GRAM that must be tons, thats how drugs are measured, right?  Wrong, its two extra strength...I figured it wasn't a good time to tell her I usually take 4 of whatever pain reliever I am taking, oh well. I sat and waited for the gram of Tylenol to kick in, and it didn't, but when she came back in and asked me if I was better I said yes BECAUSE, if my babies are ok and this is not something that is causing them distress or a sign of danger for them then I can handle some, I wanted to go home.  They discharged me and I headed out feeling less than stellar but a tiny bit less anxious. I get to see them on sonogram Friday and I think that is whats helping me keep my sanity.  

   Owen and McKenna...
       Mommy is very sorry she fell and she hopes she didn't hurt any of your organs. She is going to try really, really, hard to be careful the rest of the time you are in there.  But know this, my love for you is already deep and I cannot imagine what I would do if something happened to you and I haven't even held you in my arms yet.  Please stay warm and safe in there until March 26th at 7:30am when your daddy and I will be patiently waiting to meet you.  Well, not really patiently because thats not my style, but your dad will be calm I'm sure!  Love you my sweet babies...


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