Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Break Drs. Appointments

    Mason has been off all week with me which has really been awesome!  We have knocked so many things off our to-do list and still managed to just have some lay around and relax time too.  Our major commitment for the week was our two doctor appointments for today...OB and Perinatologist. I woke up deciding that I was going to BEG my doctor to take these babies TODAY.  I had Mason pack the car again, I even said bye to the dogs...I was ready.  Wellllll..I'm still pregnant so that tells you how that plan worked out.
     Rhinehart was first and it was really my first time that I didn't look super forward to my appointment.  Mason and I got there 45 minutes early because we didn't have anything better to do.  They called me back and stuck me on the monitors...both kids looked wonderful and were moving and hopping around like normal.  They put us in a room and we waited. I had to stand because sitting or laying down now make me lightheaded but when the tech came in I assumed my place on the table.  We have had this technician before and the last time she was wonderful and personable...not today.  She said maybe 10 words to us and it was basically just to show us that everything looked wonderful; 4 chamber heart, kidneys, bladder, placentas etc.  I know this is going to sound weird but I am semi-confused why they continue to check for these things...I mean, can the bladder or kidneys disappear????  Anyway, after she left Dr. Trimmer came in...we are not huge fans of Dr. Trimmer. He's much older, doesn't say much, and he's just not super personable which seemed to be a trend in the office today. He checked the kids, told us they were huge, and that everything looked great.  My fluid levels were good, membranes were great and the babies were practicing their breathing and swallowing like they should be.  All wonderful we were off to Dr. Richards.  It was time for me to begin my begging...
   When we got to Richards office we got to see Delana and Kelly which is always the bright spot for me! I love them! They weighed me (I have gained 50 pounds this pregnancy) and I gave my urine sample.  They took my blood pressure and I was PRAYING it would be high and they would tell me to go straight to the hospital and it was time for such luck. We got put in a room and waited for the doctor.  He came in to see us and I begged...asked him why they had stopped labor on us this past Sunday and he said that had I been in TRUE labor that the terbutaline wouldn't have worked at all.  Great. Bottom line, he told me that while they were doing wonderful and looked great and would probably be fine if they were born that if we went and delivered today and there was anything wrong with them I would never forgive myself.  And he's right...I know that.  I am apparently the world's best vessel for carrying twins because they are just perfectly content in there.  So, we left, to go home, not the hospital like I had hoped.  But I trust Dr. Richards with everything I have and I know he's right. He also checked me while we were there and I was still dilated to a 2cm so no progress has been made since Sunday.  All signs that friends are staying put I guess...
   I won't lie...I am depressed.  I hurt, I have heartburn, I can't sit up or lay down by myself, I have insomnia, my back hurts, my hips hurt, my elbows are even sore from trying to lift myself up into the sitting position on the couch, in my bed etc. but more importantly...I am ready to hold my babies in my arms.  I know, I will be sleep deprived, sore from the pain of the surgery,etc. but I will have my beautiful little ones in my arms and I am just done with waiting.  I told them tonight that mommy is ready for them, ready to see what color hair they have, if they have brown eyes like their dad or hazel like their mom, if Owen will have as many hiccups on the outside as he has in utero, and if McKenna is really the quiet, laid back type or if that is just an act she is putting on in the womb since Owen is so all over the place.  It is also hard because Mason is so ready. He talks to my belly every night and tells them "come out and play" or "daddy wants to hold you and squeeze you" and I feel like I can't give that to him!!!!  I know how blessed we are.  I have read stories of twins/multiples born at the 24 week mark and they fight for their lives, they are developmentally delayed, etc.and my biggest complaint is that mine are too big and they won't come early enough!!!  Get a grip...I know. 
    So, we are back to waiting for March 26th...13 days from today.  We go back to the doctor next Friday and then again on March 25th, day before csection.  Until then, I am going to walk as much as I can, eat spicy foods and tell them EVERY night that mommy and daddy can't wait to meet them!!!

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