Tuesday, March 3, 2015

34 Weeks and a Dr, Appointment

    Today I ventured out for my one outing of the day...the doctor.  I had a 3:30 appointment with my OB and I left at 1 because I was bored.  I drove to the doc and went in to sign in...I was in the wrong office AGAIN.  Its become a joke now, the receptionist just looks at me and smiles and I said "He's at the other office today isn't he..." and she just nodded and smiled. So I hopped back into my car and headed over to the OB office at the hospital. I parked and headed in and went to the third floor, Dr. Rhinehart's office, which would have been perfect....had I been there to see Rhinehart.  But I wasn't.  So I left his office and realized I had completely forgotten how to get to my OB's office.  I remembered,vaguely, that he was on the 2nd floor so I found an elevator and went to Floor 2.  Then I walked aimlessly around until I stumbled on is office....I am not making this up.  Something is wrong with me...my brain is completely broken or gone or something.  I guess it was a good thing I left so early because by the time I made it to the right place and signed in it was 5 minutes after 3:00 so I wasn't that early anymore. 
   They called me back and I gave my urine sample, perfect.  They took my blood pressure which was a tad high for me but not in the danger zone.  Dr. Richards came in a while later and checked their heartbeats with the doppler and asked if I had any questions. I didn't so it was a quick in and out for him!  I stopped and chatted with Kelly, one of my favorite nurses, and went and made my appointment for next week.  He said he was ok with me syncing up my appointments with Rhinehart and thank the LORD next week Mason will be with me next week so I can make sure I get where I am supposed to go.  
  Tomorrow I am officially 34 weeks and thats the last major milestone I wanted to hit.After 34 weeks, if they are born they will be "growers" and "feeders" but since they were nearly 5 pounds each 3 weeks ago I think they have the growing thing down.  But they shouldn't have any major issues and we wouldn't be looking at a super long NICU stay.  All great news!!
   Mason and I are definitely ready!!!  We know they need to cook longer but we talk every night about what they will look like, what color eyes we think they will have, whose personality will they be most like, how we cannot wait to hold them etc.  23 more days until we are parents...

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