Tuesday, February 17, 2015

When Are you Due...Tomorrow?

    Said the lady to me at the 7-11 as I was trying to get back into my car after stopping to buy ice cream and candy bars. "No...5 more weeks" I replied as she looked on horrified, "but its twins..." and she responded, "ohhhhhhh". Translation....I am HUGE.  
   Anywho, today was 32 week Dr. appointment day with Dr. Richards.  I was very interested to see what he was going to say after my contraction trip to L&D the other day.  My blood pressure was fabulous and no protein in my urine.  I was waiting patiently in the room and as he walked in and looked at me, he said "I think its time to stop working." I was really very shocked but I will not lie...I was relieved as well.  He just said that with my body going into those contractions its telling me to sloooooow down. I mentioned that the only way they really stop is if I will lay down when they hit me.  So, he put me on "modified bedrest" which is code for taking it easy, putting my feet up, and if I start contracting sit down and stop.  He told me that he would like for it to be today but I explained I had several loose ends to tie up and two meetings towards the end of the week so we decided on Monday...that it would be my first day of official bedrest. I went about getting all the paperwork to DeLana and he told me he wants to see me every week from here on out.  
   I will not lie...as I drove away I was worried.  I was relieved because I am tired and the routine of getting up, driving to work, and seeing my groups all day exhausts me but this will be quite a hit for us financially.  I have worked the "maternity leave" plan several different ways on paper and never did I account for being out anything but the day before my csection.  Things have just been going so well I refused to allow myself to go there.  BUT that still hasn't changed.  Things are still going well!  They are growing and healthy and the worst that's happened is that afternoon of contractions that were stopped almost immediately with medication.  The reality of it is though, my body is tired and I need to rest it as much as possible so they can stay put for as long as possible. I have faith that the money will work itself out....So as of February 23rd, my only job is cooking babies until they are born!!! I leave a 32 week belly shot...

Clearly, I will no longer be wearing stripes around!!!

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