Friday, December 19, 2014

Owen & McKenna's New Ride!!!

  I have been driving a 2005 Ford Escape for the past two say that it is "basic" is an understatement.  It serves a purpose and that is to get me from Point A to Point B but I have taken so much flack for this car from my friends and Mason and really everyone.   When we found out we were pregnant that was most everyone's first comment "you can't be driving those babies around in that piece of C***!"  So, Mason and I have tossed it around but my point was we couldn't afford 2 car payments.  Staring down medical bills for two babies and daycare in 8 short months we need to be finding ways to save money not spend more than we already do.  We began accelerating the payments on Masons truck and in the beginning of December we were left with a couple of grand more to payoff.  I said if we could payoff his truck with whatever money we get for my car then we could consider a new loan for something better for me. Well, that was all Mason and Justin needed to hear! They both started looking for cars for me and I got in touch with our fabulous lady at the Credit Union, Chrissy. The money worked out at the credit union about the same time we found a couple cars at Affluent Motors that I liked.  Last night, we drove ALL THE WAY over by Children's Medical to look at an Acadia and a Durango.  Melissa has a Durango, which I love, but Justin got me thinking about the Acadia as well.  After we climbed in and out of both of them and test drove the Acadia we were HOOKED!  We left from there and sold my Car to CarMax and made plans to come back today to sign the papers.  The Credit Union took care of all of it and we even got to sign the loan papers electronically...via cell phone.  When we got to Affluent Motors the signing took 7 really was extremely painless. Sooooo...we are now the proud new owners of a 2012 GMC Acadia that has more bells and whistles than I EVER thought I would care about or be able to afford.  It also has a fabulous bumper to bumper warranty (thank you for the insistence Uncle Justin) that will cover everything in the vehicle for a small deductible which I know will come in handy with two little ones. So here she is....

Owen & McKenna's Taxi!!!
   It drives beautifully, although I have logged about an hour behind the wheel, otherwise, Mason has driven her.  Amazing the things grown ups get excited about! I intend to drive her until the wheels fall off or the kids go to college...whichever comes first!

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