Yes, its getting to where I don't know that I have lots of positive things to say about this pregnancy at this very moment EXCEPT that I really do:
1) My babies are big and healthy!
2) We have made it to 30 weeks and 5 days and if they were born tomorrow the likelihood of long term birth defects or difficulty is very, very low.
3) They are growing similarly which means that one is not getting more nourished than the other...also wonderful signs.
4) I am still "complication free" (knock on wood) pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure (took it in the nurse's office today 122/62) and everything is still locked up tight down there.
5) We are about 90% ready for them...and I am not entirely sure we will ever get 100% ready so maybe I should be pumped for 90%!!!
6) My sister's wedding, which has been my goal attend/be matron of honor this entire pregnancy, is in 18 short days and its gonna happen...I'm gonna waddle up that aisle and be there to see her big day!!!!
I am sure there are more but the pain radiating from my rib cage down into my belly and wrapping around into my lower back keeps me from continuing to surf the positivity wave. Ok, now I will write my list of things I don't love...
1) I.cannot.breathe....I am out of breath CONSTANTLY and I think its starting to freak Mason out. Seriously, mid-conversation it will become clear that I have spoken more words than the babies are happy to allow and I start panting like a dog who hasn't had water in a year. Sexy, I tell you.
2) I am never NOT in pain. There are positions that "ease" the pain, namely, laying back in the recliner in the nursery and laying flat on my back in bed. However, once I lay flat on my back I begin to stop breathing so I have to nix that plan. But pain, pain, pain, pain, all the time. In my ribcage, my back, my belly, my legs, my hips, my get the picture.
3) I now require a stool in the bathroom to sit on to dry my hair, brush my teeth, or do my makeup (hahahahahahahaha...that's funny). The stool then moves to the kitchen in order for me to assist with cooking dinner, reading the mail, or eating dinner with Mason.
4) My belly button is about to pop and it freaks me out. Mason, however, thinks its hilarious and takes every opportunity possible to poke at it. I also itch constantly and no lotion has proven capable of taking the itch away.
5) I can't eat as much as I want to because there is no more room for food, babies, AND air. So I have taken to eating a pint of Blue Bell every night...slides down just fine!
6) The production that has become bedtime and trying to sleep is actually somewhat comical but nonetheless, obnoxious. I have to lay two pillows vertically on the bed, then one horizontal for my head, then another down towards the end of the bed to go between my feet and legs. I throw back the covers once all the pillows are in place, then I climb up on the bed on my knees and literally fall/flop/drop into the pillow nest I have made. Then I tuck another pillow behind my back and have to have Mason cover me this time, I am usually breathing like a 60 year-old man who has smoked 3 packs a day for the past 50 years. This position lasts 4 minutes until the hip I am laying on hurts and its time to flip over. Repeat above.
I don't like to be slow, I don't like to have people help me with things, and I don't like that if I want to get things done I have to evaluate whether I will have the physical or BREATHABLE capability of completing all tasks. So anyway, end of rant....I am sure I will be posting a similar post again in the next ten days or so.
This past weekend we knocked out SEVERAL things on our baby-to-do list and we only raised voices maybe once...ok, twice! Mason got the carseats installed and then tutored me on how to work them.
Mason hung me an old Elfa shelf on the door of the nursery closet to help with some organization of diapers and bath supplies...
We also worked on our hospital bags and they are about 90% packed after a run to Wal-Mart for travel toiletries, slippers etc.
I am also now pre-registered at the hospital, I have submitted my claim to the insurance company for my FREE Medela Breast pump (covered by insurance) and it has already been approved and is on its way to me!!! We also worked in the guest room closet cleaning and moving things around because that is going to be the overflow for whatever doesn't fit in the kids closet. My wonderful mama is coming over this weekend and next to help me organize their dresser and closet and sort through some more wonderful clothes that were given to me and get them put into bins and stored away.
My wonderful sister-in-law and Owen and McKenna's Aunt Sissa spent WAY TOO MUCH and purchased us lots of little things we were still lacking. Exciting stuff like butt cream and hangers...but nevertheless, she pretty much set us for supplies.
So to wrap up...pregnant with twins is hard, we are pretty close to being ready, I need a nap....
What's my excuse then!?!?? I can't breathe and I am already walking weird and I'm laying on my office floor on my back in pain. Barely out of this first trimester!!! You are amazing.