Wednesday, November 19, 2014

19 weeks and a Nursery Update...

    We are officially HALFWAY DONE!!!  March 26th is 37 weeks and 1 day and 19 x 2 is 38 so you get the drift. We have been busy busy around our house.  On Friday of last week we got new carpet!  Brooklyn had eaten the carpet in the dog room so it was down to bare concrete but the carpet in the other bedrooms was shot too so we decided to replace it all at once.  So Mason took the day off work and supervised the carpet install at the house.  I loved getting to come home and see it and it was even more beautiful than I remember when we selected it!  Well, once the carpet was in I was ready to have the furniture and bedding in...the next day.  Sooooo, I may have gone ahead and ordered their bedding and had it overnighted BUT I justify this expense by finding it $25 cheaper PER SET on Amazon so I came out under budget. That same night Justin and Melissa came over to help us assemble furniture.  Justin and Mason decided to start with the dresser which was a 3 hour BEATING I tell you.  Melissa and I did the drawers and their were 3490834508 screws and tools and it still makes my head spin.  After the dresser they said the cribs were a breeze and sure enough...much quicker!  Here is a timeline of the process...




   By Sunday, Owen's bedding had arrived and we ran and got some Dreft so we could get it washed and put on.  It looks ADORABLE!


By Monday, McKenna's bedding arrived so I washed it and got it put on...ADORABLE!


   So we officially have a dresser, two cribs, and two sets of bedding!  I am getting antsy to do some decorating now and will probably do the majority of it over the Christmas break.  We have been on a quest for the perfect glider and its not going well.  Every time we find one we both like (high back for me, recliner for Mason) it doesn't ever come in the color we need! So we will keep searching!  Lots of fun stuff coming up these next few weeks and the exciting!

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