Some Quirks...
So here are some little factoids (which I am sure you are DYING to know about) thus far in my pregnancy:
* All I want to eat are spaghettios with meatballs. We buy the giant large cans for $2.12 and I eat them every night for dinner. I could really eat them for lunch too but I am trying to get SOME variety going on here.
* I am down to one nausea pill a day in the morning, however, eating still leaves me a little off afterwards. I have tried small meals, meatless meals, etc. and no matter what after I eat I just feel unsettled. If I eat too much or something junky I really feel awful....clearly these children are confused because too much and junky are two of my favorite ways to eat.
* Still can't stand meat but I can handle Jack in the Box babies, smart.
* I convinced myself last week that I was anemic because I was pale, exhausted and nearly asleep at my desk, plus I was having a little dizziness and lightheadedness. I got on the internet and diagnosed myself with anemia and sent an email to my nurse listing my symptoms and asking her if I needed to get on iron or come in for a blood test. She wrote back, "Dear aren't anemic, you are pregnant...with TWINS. ALL of that is normal for you." Oh. But they will check me again at 20 weeks just to make sure.
* I have a new obsession everyday. One day it was their closet, the other day it was how will we handle teenage drinking, and the day prior it was what if one of us dies before we have time to adequately up our life insurance or compose a will. Mason just tells me "babe, take all the thoughts out of your head" because whenever I have an obsession, guess what, I make it his obsession too.
* If I lay on my right side and put my left hand under my belly between my stomach and the bed and lay realllllllly still I can feel little heartbeats. No kicks or anything yet but definitely little pulses!
* I am having lots of lower pelvic pain from the stretching ligaments I assume but sometimes when I sneeze I have to hold my stomach to keep from having a searing pain go across the bottom of my abdomen. Who knew your body utilizes stomach muscles to do something like sneeze!?
* I forget EVERYTHING. Now, I won't lie and say my memory was stellar prior to this pregnancy but now, I remember nothing. I can't remember why we came to a store between leaving the house and arriving at the store. I am constantly asking Mason, "now what are we here for?" The other morning, I went to the bank to make a deposit for our business and filled out the WITHDRAWAL slip with the wrong business name, I politely apologized to the teller and told him I was having twins and we were all 3 sharing one brain...he said "no worries ma'am, I will fill it out for you".
* I am now averaging 2-3 bathroom trips a night. This does not make me happy because then I get back in bed and latest obsession pops into my head and I am wired for another 30 minutes or so until I can fall asleep...and by then its nearly time to get up and pee again!
* My hips hurt, along with my knees (although they always hurt really even before pregnancy), and I am still out of breath by the stupidest things like talking too fast.
* I look, at 15 weeks and 6 days, like some women do on the day they deliver. I feel like I look GIGANTIC which means I am only going to get more gigantic. Oy.
* I haven't worn makeup in WEEKS...
* I am not entirely sure its set in that this belly will one day give way to two PEOPLE...I catch glimpses of it when I walk by the mirror at night on the way to get in my pajamas and I am constantly like "whoa!"
We have our anatomy scan on Monday, November 3rd. We will find out the genders FOR SURE but more importantly, they will be checking them to make sure all their parts are present and accounted for. I am, of course, terrified that something will be wrong but the doctor has said several times that they looked great on the 11 week scan and my fluid levels were very normal...both good signs. Keep us in your prayers!
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