One more week down! Our amazing photographer, Brooke Barnes, who photographed our engagement pictures and wedding pictures and is now doing my sisters wedding in February met us here in Rockwall today for some "announcement" photos. We are ready to tell the world about the twins but I wanted a cute way to do it. So I have been surfing Pinterest and I found about 4-5 cute ways to do it so we met at Harry Myers this evening to shoot. She is AH-MAZING and already sent me back several to chose from for our FB reveal....

So, yea, she is phenomenal. And I finally felt sort of like myself because I bought the shirt and jeans at Motherhood so they actually fit me. Of course, we couldn't decide on just 1 picture we liked so I made a collage to post tomorrow. We have our perinatologist appointment at 9:15 for our nuchal fold test and CVS blood test. To say we are apprehensive is an understatement but we continue to pray for healthy babies. After that appointment we have my regular OB at 11 so it will be a day for the babies! We are now the proud owners of 4 Chicco Key Fit 30 carseat bases so we have 2 for Mason's truck and 2 to gift to grandparents. A few highlights of our pregnancy so far:
* All I feel like eating are baked potatoes.
* I THINK (knock on wood) the nausea is getting better...I accidentally forgot my pills before bed the other night and I didn't wake up sick.
* I am doing a little better with the fatigue as well but it really helps if I don't indulge it, try to stay busy etc. otherwise I could crash for hours.
* The headaches have gotten worse but I don't know if its the pregnancy or the fact that my head is constantly filled with snot (sorry TMI).
* I have had some dizzy spells and ringing in my ears but I had the school nurse take my blood pressure and it was great. Again, she said it could be caused by the headfull of you know...
* I run out of breath....all the time. If I talk too fast, bend over, walk a far distance quickly, do something like unload the dishwasher, etc. I am winded!!!
Well, send good vibes and prayers to us for tomorrow!!!
I LOVE your blog Kelly you are hilarious! I hope all went well at the Dr.