Sonogram Surprise!!!!
Well, we made it to August 29th, our 8 week sonogram!!! I was so sick last night I didn't work today and Mason already had plans to take off for a Doctors appointment so we were home all day. I spent my normal "off work" time in bed as I usually do. I was trying to stave off the nausea and I am just so exhausted.
Around 1, we headed to our appointment a little early, I checked in and we waited. When they called me back this very sweet, perky nurse put the blood pressure cuff on me and excitedly asked "soooooo, how are we feeling" and I promptly burst into tears. I told her I was feeling HORRIFIC and that the medicine they called me in must not be working because I am still nauseous and feeling awful 24-7. She was so sweet and immediately pulled a box from a cabinet and opened it and told me to put it on my tongue (like Listerine strips actually) and let it dissolve. It was almost instant relief. Within 5 minutes my stomach was calm and the tears had stopped. However, this medicine is ridiculously expensive so she suggested I speak with the doctor about other options. He had emerged from another exam room while I was in the throes of my breakdown so I figured he would know what was up.
We went into the exam room and I hopped up on the table and Mason assumed his place next to me. We didn't wait long and Dr. Richards came in and said his hellos. He immediately wanted to discuss my nausea and told me about a couple of different options. At the end of his spiel he jokingly said, "being this sick....its probably twins". We all laughed and Mason made a comment about twins causing him to be laid out on the floor.
He went to work doing what he does and casually chatted with us as he brought the picture up on the screen. He said to us, "Yea, I like to joke with parents about having twins, but in this case, I'm not joking..." and sure enough, he turned the monitor around and there they BOTH were, TWINS! OUR BABIES! Heart rates were steady and strong at 180 bpm and there they both were. I burst into tears again, I think Mason uttered an expletive of some sort but I just kept crying. There was a heartbeat, two to be exact, and everything was looking great. Dr. Richards asked Mason to lean out the door and call a nurse and our doctor's nurses, DeLana and Kelly, happened to be outside the door. They came in and looked at our babies flickering there on the screen and there were tears from them too! I think I was still crying at this point but they were happy tears. He was having trouble getting both babies in one picture because one sack is further up than he could get the wand to reach so our pictures show both sacs but only one of the babies clearly.
Dr. Richards sat me up and I asked a series of questions that I can't entirely remember. We discussed genetic testing blood tests, the pros and cons, and we scheduled my 10-week OB Appointment for September the 11th. When we walked out of the room I was handed a giant box of prenatals, a pregnancy book, and two prescriptions. One for additional folic acid and one for DiClegis my new anti-nausea medicine. Everyone hugged us and I cried again, I assured them this was normal that I seem to cry for no reason really. My due date is April 15th but its unlikely I will carry to the full 40 weeks with twins so we are anticipating mid to late March. We left on cloud nine and have been absorbing some of the shock value since. We called all our loved ones and everyone was SHOCKED to say the least! So here they are, the debut of the Cornelius TWINS!
The top one is really the best he could get of them together. The right one in the sack and then the little blurry one on the bottom left!
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