I really wanted to finish the nursery over the holiday break and my intentions were outlined with copious notes in my phone. It didn't get completely finished but its certainly very close. I did several little craft projects and we finally got a lamp and side table to go by the recliner.
I searched Pinterest far and wide trying to decide how I wanted to do their names above their cribs. I finally found a picture of some adorable canvas blocks covered with fabric. I made my first of a zillion trips to Hobby Lobby over this break for fabric, canvases, wooden letters, paint, glue guns, and batting. 2 days later, I had finished and here was the finished product!

I think they came out great and I can't WAIT to see them over their cribs. Throughout this project I realized...McKenna's name is long!!! Owen's letters took no time at all and I felt like McKenna's took days. Of course that could probably be because I had to go to multiple Hobby Lobby's to find all the letters etc. but anyway, they are done!!
My next project was a copycat of a mobile I saw on Pinterest. We already had mobiles for the cribs but I wanted this cool thing to hang in the corner of the room. Well, it was $90 and I thought, pssssssshhhhhh I am NOT paying that. So I decided to make it myself...here was the "model" I was looking at.
So again, I headed to Hobby Lobby for fabric, Styrofoam balls, sewing pins, and ribbon. What I realized is, after I spent the money on all the supplies I was nearly at the $90 mark and that was before I had even put anything together. I headed home and started cutting out fabric circles and sticking them into the styro balls with sewing pins. Oh...my...Lord...6 hours later and over 400 sewing pins and 3 yards of fabric and circles, circles, circles....I had barely finished ONE ball. I had to go back to Hobby Lobby for more fabric and pins and I WISH I would have just bought the dang thing off Etsy. 2 days later I finished another one and I still have one more to go. They turned out beautiful but they were WORK...
The beginnings of the grey pom....this one is STILL not finished...
Pink Pom on grey ribbon
Aqua Pom on grey ribbon
My goal is to hang them from white cup hooks in one corner of the nursery at varying lengths just for some color variation. We shall see how they come out!!!
Another little craft I wanted to get done was a hairbow holder for McKenna. This baby girl is going to be bowed up at all times so she will need some place to store them all. Again, I combed Pinterest and found a few pictures and made my own version.
I left loops at the bottom for headbands eventually...this can grow with her and her hair accessory needs as well!!
The other project I wanted us to get done over the break was the closet organizer. Mason and I went to Home Depot and Lowe's and after he cautiously guided me away from one that cost over $300, we found one at Home Depot that was only $150 and we jumped on that. We came home to see that we needed to take down the existing shelf, pull all the wood support out, patch the holes, and paint the wall before we could mount it. We went to work doing that and as we waited for the paint to dry we opened the organizer and started to read the directions. HOLY COW it was hard! So we called in reinforcements the next day to help us, my dad, AKA the babies Pappoo!! He came over and helped Mason and they got it up quick as could be. Here is the progression of that project (for which I stayed far, far away in the other room).
Before.... Ripping Out the old stuff...
Paint...Brooklyn was a huge help obviously! Instructions...time to call dad!
Mason Dad AKA Pappoo
The best thing about it; its all adjustable and can be moved around and changed as they grow. I am one happy mama, let me tell you!!!
Finally, we made an IKEA run and found some shelves we liked. They aren't up yet but that's our next step. We were able to get a lamp to add to the side table I found at Home Goods (the other place I have made 37484 trips to over the break). Here's what our little "corner" looks like now...
The curtains were also a Home Goods purchase over the break...coming right along!!! We have our 25 week sonogram on Friday and my glucose test at my OB. This is what the bump looks like at 25 weeks now...
It really is frightening to compare the pictures of 11 weeks to now. AND to know I still have 12 weeks to go...HOLY MOSES!! But I want nice, big, healthy, babies so I will take it!!!!
Finally, Happy New Year! 2014 brought us our dream of getting pregnant and finding out it was twins. 2015 will see the birth of our beautiful babies, their first Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and more! We cannot wait to meet you sweet babies! See you in 85 days!